Thursday, October 9, 2008

FYI...Barack Obama is not a Christian, not a Muslim!

So I went to search for some material to prove that Barack Obama's past is being blown out of proportion by the Republicans (mountain-out-of-molehill kind of thing), and I found a great website:
I checked out the 6 major lies about Obama. The first one corrected the myth that "Obama's a Muslim". The truth is, he isn't. The site says, "For more than 20 years Barack Obama has pledged his devotion to the Christian faith, as well as attended regular Sunday service at the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago." After reading this, I checked out the church and leading pastor, Jeremiah Wright. Just type the search into youtube or visit this link:
Wow. It's this "faith" to which Obama "pledged devotion" and "attended regular Sunday service?" Great. Now I feel better. If you plan on telling me that 20 years of a candidate's life is irrelevant to their qualifications for the presidency or that I'm just trying to dig up whatever dirt I can find, you must be kidding. I am not trying to make up a history that isn't there. On the contrary, I will be infinitely relieved when someone can prove that these issues are irrelevant and unrelated. Despite my hopes, I believe Obama will win the election. Help me sleep easier at night, and prove my suspicions wrong.


Ellie said...

First I would like to make it clear that I am not an atheist, I just don't identify with a religion. I believe that religion should not play a part in presidential elections, however, unfortunately it does. Simply because you attend a church does not mean you follow the lessons and abide by the same values as your pastor. I know many "religious" people who are far from what I would consider moral people. Just because they attend church doesn't mean they live by the sermons.
So just because Barack Obama attends the church of Pastor Rev. Wright does not mean that he fully agrees with everything being said nor does he live his life by those teachings. People must take into consideration media spin as well. The media has only been televising the crazy radical sermons. I am sure the Rev. had mostly normal, by the Bible teachings.

Ben said...

Many people do not abide by the sermons and rules of the church they attend. However, the vast majority of these people do not attend regular Sunday service, electing instead to come during the major holidays- Christmas, Easter, etc. That much is true. Moreover, the people you're describing are rarely familiar enough with the Pastor to have him over to their house for dinner (yes, that did happen several times, and I'll give you sources if you'd like). Additionally, Barack attended this church for 20 years as an adult, meaning that his parents were not making him go; he chose to on his own accord. Now, it seems to me that one who "half-heartedly" attends a church and doesn't really agree with statements as strong as "God damn America" "The US of KKKA" or "The government intentionally infected African-American men with cyphilus" might have a bit of a problem. This guy is running for President of the United States of America. He was a politician for many of his years atttending this church. He invited this guy over for dinner. And you plan on telling me that Barack sat through 20 years of listening to speeches filled with such vehemence and such hatred every Sunday without thinking of switching churches or leaving that particular faith? Are you insane? Do you really believe that Reverend Wright's image has been distorted by the media so badly? You say he is "mostly normal?" Hello!! Did you watch the video?! The guy screamed "God Damn America" to a crowd of hundreds! Would you do that? That is not Bible teachings. That is political propoganda. Ellie, I'm sorry. You have told me only your own opinions and vague speculations. Why don't you try to find some sources prior to Obama's electoral campaign when he showed any remote sign of dissenting from this radical church. I've looked. I haven't found anything. The facts and evidence point to 20 years of regular Sunday attendence, devotion, and familiarity with the Pastor. Once again, prove me wrong, don't just say I'm wrong.